I mean.

It’s a historical thing in the histry of the world an d America and such. So. I mean. I need to say something? Right?

Like, There’s none percents reason for me to go all Terry on everybody…

At all. You know?

And FFS. There’s no reason in the history of humanity for someone, anyone, to act the ways that Robert James Ritchie conducted himself.

You know…?

Like. I’ll always love me some Kid Rocks, you know? But. This was basically the most cringiest thing I’ve seen since Emeine’s biggest gripe with Donald Trump is, “And he’s orange!” Just.

Fork everyting dudes.

But onto the historical nature of what brung us here.

Questions? Sure. Secret Service sucked. I doubt. Highly. That anything nepharious happened . I highly doubt that. Whoever she is, uh… head of the Secret Service lady. I doubt she purposely allowed the assassination attempt to happen. You know? But uh… obviously… security details that day. Failed. And sucked. A lot.

Shit shouldn’t have happened.

Just like Metallica instrumentals should not have Kid Rock lyics placed atop of them. Or something. But. Obviously more serious.


In all seriouslyness.

Trumps speech was adequate. He was humble and awesome at the beginning. Then he just turned into the drunk best man at the wedding, like he always does. THE biggest thing I was “hoping” to hear from him didn’t happen. He never mentioned the fact that the shooter’s family is also dealing with a tragedy. You know? He could have. and ovviousluy should have been the bigger man and be like, “I forgive you, kid.” Type of thing.

But nopes. Didn’t happen.

So. Uh.

I dunno man. As a human being. THose are my thoughts.

Also. Ya’ll do realize, there’s an alhiemers’ patient in control of the nuclear codes at the moment. Right?

Should probabky do something about that.

Aww… Poor Shawn Michaels…

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