Andrew. Andrew. This is a Martin. Andrew. Andrew.
I’m an Alcoholic
I mean, I’ve been doing this for almost 10 years now. And. It should be easier to admit this. But. Obviously. I’m an alcoholdic. And [more…]
I mean, I’ve been doing this for almost 10 years now. And. It should be easier to admit this. But. Obviously. I’m an alcoholdic. And [more…]
Well. I mean. It’s not like I HAVENT’ talked about a lot of this before. It’s just that. I haven’t talked about any of this [more…]
True Crime. Unsolved mysteries (which isn’t to be confused with Unsolved Mysteries). Are stories. True stories. With data. Facts. Real life drama. And just… (in [more…]
Yups. Let’s jump right into the thoughts. This show, “Waco,” made by the Paramo8nt Network, that has just hit Netclix recently, is… Fucking phenomenal, dude3. [more…]
Dude. First and foremost. Just realized… I’m NOT going to read any comments here … Or those on the Facebook/Twotte4 thingises. I’ve been aboidong the [more…]
Dude. Lemme just say. I was wrong, man. At the VERY beginning? YeH man. I thought the hysteria about coronavirus/COVID-19 was moronic. Cause like. At [more…]
So. Uh… I kean. Like I said before, I’m TOTALLY bummrd about The Last of Us Part II delay. Right? And. I mean. There’s been [more…]
So. Uh… I’ve no idea dude. I’ve no idea how this rambling is gonna go. Again. The last few ramblings I’ve done have been in [more…]
Dude. I’ve watched and rewatched Vicela d’s Dark Side of the Ring episodes om Chris Benoit a few times now. And. I mean. There’s so much [more…]
Dude. For the past… I dunno… threeish years? I’ve done some sort of “OF THE YEAR~@@!” Rambling. Right? But I mean. Legit? 2019? Sucked. A [more…]
So. Uh. Right off the bat… I really dont like this movie. Like. At all, basically. I borderline hte it. But I’m forced to watch [more…]
Hey ma, this one’s for you. Or something? I dunno. But basically. Here’s another movie… a more “modern” classic that I’ve never seen. I mean. [more…]
Just before summer, year of our lord, 2019, I kinda decleared that “Netclix” began. Netclix, being the word my soon to be five-year-old nephew uses [more…]