Andrew. Andrew. This is a Martin. Andrew. Andrew.
Into the Spider Versus Disney
Around two weeks ago, SONY dropped a bombshell on the world by announcing they wouldbe removing Spider-man from the gigantic MCU. And. Now. Like. Everyone’s [more…]
Around two weeks ago, SONY dropped a bombshell on the world by announcing they wouldbe removing Spider-man from the gigantic MCU. And. Now. Like. Everyone’s [more…]
Look, man. I hate them as much as you do. They complain WAY too much. “YOU GUYS ARE RUINING AMERICA!” These people. They’re pieces of [more…]
Merhaps, I’m doing this ramvling because I’ve been listening to “Lithium” byu Nirvana (which is like, “HELLO BUDDHISM~!” right?) a lot. Right? (RANDOM SIDENOTE: “Lithium,” [more…]
I know man. I know. I know this is a very delicate and sensitive topic to discuss, especcially with everything that’s going on. But damn [more…]
Now. I mean. I realize tyhat like… this story’s like a month old now. More? right? Somewheres in there at least. But like. Complications. And [more…]
Instead of doing some sort of BIG~!… dare I say, “YUGE~!” “2017 in Memourningum” thing. Like I did lasty year, I’ll bebreaking all of these [more…]
I mean. We really are. Right? No matter which side of the aisle you’re on. You are one of the worst people so far. Both [more…]
So. I’m pretty sure I hate wrestling. Forreals this time. Especially since. You know. I’m not planning to watch WrestleMania. Ever. That’s the first time [more…]
…and the one we need RIGHT NOWl. With the information being dropped that Batfleck’s directed solo Batfilm will include Deathstroke as the main villain, there’s [more…]
Right off the bat, allow me to say, there’s not one MAJOR Walking Dead spoiler given throughout this rambling. Hell, the “MAJOR” spoiler can NOT [more…]
Promotional consideration provided by: THE eW Spot and The Shoot. REMINDER: I’M NOT FIXING ANY TYPOS BECAUSE I’M DRUNK AND IT WILL MAKE THIS RAMBLING MORE SILLY AND [more…]