Seriousyl? This was THE best that WWE could do this year? REALLY?! THE FUCKING BET?!
THE FUCKING SUPERCARD?! The FUCKING SHOWCASE OF THE IMMORTALS?! This is it? But yeah. It hasn’t felt like WrestleMaia week. At all. ranted, I’m in Colorado, and now wheres near New York/New Jersey. But still. NOTHING like WrestleMania weekend. At all.
But… still… tomorrow night/tonight WWE holds WrestleMania XXIV. And thus is the ‘tradition” here on the ramblings, I’ll do some sort of anual predictions rambling.
So… ere goes.

Seriously. To kick off this prediction’s ramblin, we get this horsehit?
Spernding my money on this ‘Mania does NOT sound lie a ood time. At all.
But umm… I’ll go with Rhodes Scholars and crew. WQhy? Because I can’t stand that idiot that claoimed Alicia Fox vs. Melina was her favorite match. Oh and The other two “wrestlers” too. Can’t stand them.

Eh… this is tough. Vinney Mac is so damn high on the gimmick, he may as well just have Fandango win thr match. Fangandgo is Vince’s new “Razor Ramon.'” FDor… whatever fucking rason. I swear, if I gotta watch that fucking dancing entracne thing that he does, I’ma stab some one. God only know s how rediculous it’s going to be tomorrow night.

Eh… I’m semi-interested in this match. I’m curious to see how Big E. performs in the ring. But I’m sure he’s going to duck. So uh… really… I don’t care about this match. At all. So… fuck it. Team Hell No wis. And for cunt sake. Can WWE drop the whole “Team” bullshit already?! Jesus Christ.

Fucking hell. Ryback. The end.

Funny how this is on the pre-show. But… you know… whateer/ Umm… this can o either way. And either way I couldn’t gia a shit about it. So…uh… The Miz wins.

Still don’t care. I’m just hoping Orton turns and becomes the leader of the Shield or somrthing awesomer like that. Fuclk you. The Shield solely based on my hopes.

As Ben sayus, ths is a throwback to “old school wrestling” where it’s America ves. another country. But this time… AMERICA’S THE HEEL~!… dun dun dunnnnnnn~! Fuck you. Alberto Del Rio. I don’t fucking care.

And thus beginas the WrestleMania of rematches. A rematch from last year’s SummerSlam, Triple H takes on Brock Lesnar in what i s this years’ better buildups. And still…. I don’t really care about it. Trips loses, he loses hers career. And it’s a No holds barred match. And shit. And fucking… Triple H oviously wins.

And… a rematch from yearts and years ago. Like… 2009 or something. I get the years 2008-2010 all conviuserd and mixed up. Oh wells. This match happened a lot somewheres in those years. And yeah. Even given all of that, this is the only atch worth watching on the show. It’ll probably be woth the like… $60 you pay for it. And it has the best buidup of the whole thing. Thanks to Paul Bearer dying. BUt you know. It’s a tough call. But given everything… I’m pretty positive Undertaker will take it. Even though, CM Punk really deserves the win. And I even said I thought he would on Twitter.

Annnnd… why so serious?
I mean… annnnd… to top it all off we get #TwiceInALifetime,
For cunt’s sake.
John Cena wins. Obviously.
FDuck this Mania.
hahaha nice one twinkie i agreed with most of it and in my views – good on HHH for winning and fuck punk lol he sucks. its good to see cena finally at the top. GO CENA!